Welcome to Smart Safety
Decluttering automotive safety ISO 26262 standard for beginners and professionals
Thinking of a career in safety?
How do I start a career in automotive functional safety?
What safety standards should I know?
What kind of projects do safety professionals work on?
What skills do I need to have to get a job in functional safety?
How do I switch to autonomous vehicle safety from conventional automotive functional safety?
Do I need help with interview prep?
Safety Development Lifecycle
Learn about different phases of safety lifecycle and how to implement functional safety
V Model
Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (HARA)
ASIL (Automotive Safety Integrity Level) rating determination
Safety requirements specification
Verification and Validation (V&V) methods
System Safety Architecture
Learn how to design an architecture for safety-critical systems
Architecture definition with multiple ASIL requirements
System (software + hardware) level ASIL decomposition
Freedom from interference (FFI)
Safety Analysis
Learn about different approaches to perform safety analysis on the critical system and identify potentially hazardous software faults
SW-FMEA (Software - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)
SW-FTA (Software - Fault Tree Analysis)
HSI (Hardware - Software Interface)
DFA (Dependent Failure Analysis)
Autonomous Vehicle Safety
Learn about technical challenges of applying functional safety to an autonomous (self-driving) vehicle
Modifying existing standard for the autonomous world
Key pillars of safety - functional safety, SOTIF (safety of the intended functionality), cyber security and more
Verification and Validation (V&V) methods